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WARNING: TEENAGE BOYS FLY UNDER THE RADAR It’s no secret that teenage boys can be emotionally withdrawn. When you try to have a conversation with them, even if it’s about something simple like their day at school, it can feel like pulling teeth. Parents...
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The Inevitable Sibling Rivalry Is everything in your house a competition? Are your children constantly trying to outdo one another? Sibling rivalry is a very normal thing amongst siblings, but its painful for parents nonetheless! Sibling rivalry is...
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To Give or Not to Give-How to Teach Children About $ Allowance is apart of life that every parent must deal with at some point in his or her child’s life. When you get to that point in your child’s life and you find yourself wondering if you are helping or hurting...
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My Child Puts Up a Fight About Going to School Every Morning–Help! Are you pulling your hair out because your child refuses to go to school every morning? For some parents, getting their child off to school every morning is really a struggle. A great...
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We wanted to let you know about the updated Privacy Notice. It can be found at thanks! Coping Partners Team
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Divorce is hard for everyone involved: you, your ex-spouse, and your children. It is especially hard for the children because they might not fully understand why their family is splitting up. They’ll have a lot of questions and a lot of emotions, including guilt....